Kennebec County’s Finances Committee approves a $ 14.three million spending plan

AUGUSTA – The Kennebec County Budgets Committee voted without comment Thursday to approve the Kennebec County’s spending plans as of July 1.

Total spending in support of the county government’s operations over the next fiscal year will be $ 14.3 million, of which approximately $ 12.5 million will be raised through property taxes. That is an increase of 4.42% compared to the budget for the current year.

The final document reflects a change requested by committee members during the budget review who were concerned about the originally proposed 5.6% increase. The spending plan provides for routine wage and insurance increases as well as the funding of two substitute positions that were newly hired in the middle of the budget year. In addition, an additional employee will be requested in the human resources department to cope with the needs of the 170 employees in the district and to offer training on site.

Part of this increase was offset by land registry revenue from property sales last year.

County administrative officials revised the draft budget and added $ 150,000 in fund balances to reduce what the county residents would pay through property tax to offset the cost of the county administrative functions such as Kennebec Prison, Records Register, and the To cover probate.

The law requires two public budget hearings to be held, one in the northern part of Kennebec County and one in the southern part. A public hearing was held on Wednesday via Zoom from Waterville. No member of the public asked to speak.

In a separate action, the Budget Committee also approved the $ 9,125.14 valuation for Unity Township, which pays for services such as snow plowing and garbage disposal, contract fire departments, animal control, and a portion of the cost of the regional communications center for the township’s 24 residents become .

The county budget committee is made up of community officials from across Kennebec County. The committee is expected to step in later this year when district officials discuss how to spend $ 23 million in federal aid.

Over the weekend, the first of two expected federal aid payments under the American Rescue Program Act was transferred to Kennebec County.

Kennebec County Administrator Robert Devlin said he had further guidance from the federal government on how to use that money.

Commissioner Nancy Rines, who represents southern Kennebec County, said the commissioners would set up a schedule of meetings to discuss funding and develop consensus, and would ask the budget committee to participate in those discussions. The district administrations also take on suggestions and suggestions.

Devlin said some money can be spent on key county employees and some infrastructure uses.

“We have a lot of inquiries,” he said.

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