The City of Park Hills will set its property tax rate at $ 0.209 per $ 100 of appraised value, just as it has been since 2008.
The compensation rate is $ 0.216.
Councilor Pam Spoor said the city currently has the largest savings and reserves Park Hills ever had, and she said this was achieved without tax increases.
The ad valorem tax rate is proposed at $ 0.731 per $ 100 of the estimated value. Since this is the first reading of the regulation, it could be changed to the current rate of $ 0.75 per $ 100 before the second reading to reflect the compensation rate.
The Council also held the first reading of an amended Harassment Regulation. The language has been changed by adding the terms “unreasonable” and “illegal” to describe the harassment. Basically, most of the change is that the city does not want to get involved in every small conflict with its neighbors, but rather restricts itself to events that meet the criteria.
A first reading of the Noise Abatement Ordinance was read out and council members decided to limit opening hours for events and ban noise from 11pm to 7am. The limit is 100 feet from the source of the noise.
Police Chief Cody Stanley asked if the council would make the new law enforceable for its officers. He said he wanted some form of measurement to enforce any law that comes out of complaints about noise. Stanley told the council to voice his wishes and said since it has to work all the way down to writing quotes, if it doesn’t work, they could refine it.
Schools are exempt as they have their own noise regulations.
The council asked if they could turn the intersection where Emerson meets Breckenridge into a three-way stop that would require another stop sign, and Attorney Dan Braun said they could just install another stop sign.
Another motion from the council was to reduce the speed limit on Cleveland to 15 MPH as it was reported that most motorists were not from Park Hills. However, in order to change the speed limit, a corresponding regulation must be read out twice.
-Patricia A. Scheyer, RCN contributor