Stutsman County’s real estate values rose 2.7% for the upcoming property tax year, according to Stutsman County’s tax equalization department.
Tyler Perleberg, director of tax equalization for Stutsman County, said the value of farm land was increased by 1% by the district equalization committee. The remaining increase is a combination of new builds in the county being put on tax registers and appreciation of existing properties.
“Material costs and land values continue to rise,” he said.
The full and true value of Stutsman County’s real estate increased from $ 128 million for the 2020 tax year to $ 131.5 million for the 2021 property tax year, paid by residents late this year or early 2022.
The city of Jamestown’s values rose from $ 48.7 million to $ 49.8 million over the same period, while the Jamestown Public School District rose from $ 75.9 million to $ 78.1 million .
The valuation is part of the formula used to calculate the property tax bill that is sent to taxpayers in the county. The other is the mill rate, which is determined by the local government’s spending budget divided by the district’s rating to determine the mill rate or tax rate used on real estate within that government’s territory.
The Stutsman County’s accountancy bureau plans to distribute estimated tax notices to real estate owners in the county next week.
Stutsman County
The Stutman County’s mill rate for the upcoming tax season is 72.94 mills for residents outside of Jamestown town and 70.89 mills for those inside of town. The tax rate for Jamestown residents is lower as they pay 15 mills as a city library fee and are exempt from the 2.05 million city library fee.
This year’s royalty compares with 70.02 mills last year for rural properties and 67.15 mills in Jamestown last year.
The county property taxes outside of the city of Jamestown would be $ 328 per $ 100,000 of home appraisals, an increase of about $ 13 per $ 100,000 of home appraisals over the past year.
City of Jamestown
The city of Jamestown’s mill rate has increased by less than half a million, according to Sarah Hellekson, city administrator.
The preliminary mill rate for the coming tax year is 118.4 million compared to 117.93 million. Since the change is less than 1 million, it is considered a “zero change” under North Dakota law.
The tax is $ 531 per $ 100,000 home value and is about $ 5 more than last year’s tax bill.
Jamestown Public School District
The milling quota for the Jamestown School District is increasing for the first time since the 2018-2019 school year, according to Robert Lech, the district’s superintendent.
Based on preliminary budgets, the Jamestown Public School District will operate at a rate of 102 million for the upcoming tax season. This is an increase of 2 mills over the 100 million levy the district has had over the past three years.
The 2 million increase will be used to pay special assessments billed to the school district for things like roads, water projects, or sanitary sewer projects that are carried out by the city but billed by the city to the school district as part of the special assessment process.
The provisional property tax to support the Jamestown Public School District is $ 459 for every $ 100,000 of home valuation in the upcoming tax year. This is an increase of $ 9 from last year’s tax bill.