Uttar Pradesh: Tax evasion of Rs 1,646 crore by Wave Distilleries between 2013-17 | Lucknow information

LUCKNOW: The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in its report for 2018-19 presented to the State Assembly on Wednesday stated excise tax evasion of Rs 1,646.04 crore by Wave Distilleries and Breweries Ltd of Aligarh from 2013-14 to 2016 -17 highlighted.
The report says that when the auditor compared the company’s filings to the Income Tax Department and the Assistant Excise Commissioner, a large discrepancy was found between the two.
“The discrepancies found in the material used indicate that the assessor (Wave Distilleries and Breweries Ltd) had underestimated the consumption of intermediate / intermediate products, which resulted in excise tax receipts including interest of 1,646.04 crore over an extended period of 2013-14 to 2016 evaded. 17 “, says the report.
The report goes on to say that while the excise department’s assessment offices were located on the assessor’s premises, they did not monitor the amount of inputs used by the assessor and the products they manufacture. Because of this failure, the report says, the company has managed to avoid paying a high amount of excise duty.
“The amount of non-realization of revenue to the government due to this fact is extremely high. The Treasury Department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, in its instructions dated 11th, had the interest of the revenue, ”the report says, adding that the audit was still not notified of any measures related to increasing demand by the Assesse.
The total shortfall in excise tax receipts by the end of FY 2019 was Rs.1,839 billion, the report said. Similarly, there was a loss of Rs 239 crore in mining, Rs 108.20 crore loss on sales and business tax, Rs 91.69 crore on stamps and duties, Rs Rs 1,427.40 crore on transportation, it said.