Burlington County’s officers introduce a no-tax enhance finances

Burlington County’s officers introduce a no-tax increase budget

MOUNT HOLLY – The Burlington County Board of Commissioners has tabled a county budget for 2021 that will continue to fund critical services and meet residents’ needs without increasing the county tax levy.

The proposed budget of $ 233 million was unanimously adopted by the board on Wednesday evening. This marked the first time in modern history that the county’s budget was unveiled in March.

The spending plan says the county tax levy – the amount levied by owners to support the county’s operations – remains stable at $ 169.7 million. It also maintains the county’s workforce and continues critical funding for the county’s COVID-19 response and critical infrastructure, public safety, senior services, workforce development and education.

“For over a year, the COVID-19 pandemic has put an incredible strain on the finances of our residents and small businesses, and our board of directors has been determined not to increase their tax burden during the ongoing crisis,” said Commissioner Felicia Hopson. “This budget keeps the county’s tax levy flat, but still allows us to provide critical services and support to families and businesses.”

Responsible for tax purposes

The budget maintains the county’s strong finances despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, including an expected $ 3.46 million drop in net revenue compared to 2020 revenue.

The loss of revenue is due to the unprecedented health crisis and the reduction in fees and other funds collected, as well as the expiration of several grants received in 2020.

Commissioners froze all discretionary spending last fall to drive revenue down, and the Board of Directors cut $ 3 million in funding in 2020. The savings were applied directly to the county’s reserves and then used to balance the 2021 plan without increasing the amount to be collected through taxes.

The 2021 budget is to use $ 10 million of the remaining fund assets of $ 25.8 million as of 2020, up from $ 7.5 million spent on operations last year. District officials continue to expect to end this year with a healthy surplus that exceeds 10% of the total budget. This protects the county from a sustained economic downturn and contributes to its strong credit rating.

Last week, Moody’s Investors Services released a report citing “budgeting and ongoing spending controls” and “strong financial results” to help maintain the county’s strong Aa1 credit rating.

Burlington County also had the lowest average county taxes in New Jersey and the lowest cost per inhabitant of any county in 2019 and 2020, according to property tax data from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

“We expect this budget will allow us to stay the lowest again in 2021,” said the commissioner’s deputy director Dan O’Connell. “Our board of directors is proud of this record, but also that we achieved it and at the same time responded to the needs of our residents, especially with all the challenges posed by COVID-19.”

Critical investments

The total proposed budget of $ 233 million continues the county’s effective COVID-19 response, including the Department of Health’s testing and contact tracking programs and monthly food distribution events overseen by the Department of Human Services.

Burlington County was one of the first counties in the state to set up a COVID-19 testing program, and is now also partnering with New Jersey State, Virtua Health, and the New Jersey National Guard to build the Burlington County’s vaccine mega-site operate in the Moorestown Mall.

The budget also includes programs that are critical to the county’s most vulnerable residents, including the Meals On Wheels and Senior Nutrition programs. It also supports two recent new initiatives, the Housing Hub and the Recovery Center in the Human Services Building in Westampton. Both programs serve as “one-stop shops” for residents seeking help with housing problems or drug abuse.

The budget continues the county’s annual support to Rowan College in Burlington County, Burlington County Special Services School District, and Burlington County Institute of Technology.

“Good government means being good stewards of our residents’ tax dollars, and that budget reflects sound financial management,” said Hopson. “It closely monitors our financial results while providing the services and support our residents want and need.”

American Rescue Plan Act

The recently signed American Rescue Plan Act is expected to send significant direct federal aid to Burlington County as COVID-19 aid. However, with New Jersey and Burlington Counties still awaiting federal and state guidelines, the budget doesn’t rightly reflect U.S. funding.

Once the guidelines are published, the Committee of Commissioners will develop a plan and budget change to reflect any additional support.

“We are very grateful for the American Rescue Plan Act and are confident that it will be of tremendous help in our ongoing battle against the virus. However, we have been instructed to wait for formal guidance before budgeting expected federal aid as revenue, ”said Hopson.

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