Folks affected by inflation, authorities busy with tax assortment: Rahul

How did you spend £ 20 lakh cr? earned through several hikes in the excise duty on gasoline, diesel, it asks

Congress on Sunday called for an explanation of how exactly the government spent £ 20 on multiple excise tax increases on gasoline and diesel.

Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi that the Modi government had managed to achieve tremendous growth in “GDP – gas-diesel-gasoline”. And while people are suffering from inflation, the government is busy collecting taxes, Gandhi said.

Party Secretary General Ajay Maken pointed out at a press conference at Congress headquarters that the excise tax on diesel had increased by 820% and on gasoline by 258%.

“When the UPA administration of Congress was in power, the price of crude oil was $ 108 a barrel, but gasoline and diesel were £ 71.51 and £ 57.28 a liter, which is up in Delhi today despite the crude oil Up £ 85.70 and £ 75.88 Oil is far less than half the UPA rates, ”Maken said.

Excluding the excise duty, gasoline is £ 61.92 per liter and diesel is £ 47.51 per liter. The excise duty on gasoline is £ 23.78 per liter and on diesel is £ 28.37. In May 2014, Maken said the excise tax was only £ 9.20 per liter on gasoline and £ 3.46 per liter on diesel.

“The Modi government has made £ 20,000 in the past six and a half years just by increasing excise taxes on gasoline and diesel alone.”

Mr Maken accused the government of berating the common man and of filling the pockets of a select group of companies that are friends with it.

“The government should explain where exactly this money went, considering that it has frozen the civil servant allowance and almost every part of society is feeling the crisis,” he said.

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