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The week

Alabama GOP Governor Kay Ivey expands face mask mandate

While Texas and Mississippi are lifting their mask mandates, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced Thursday that she is extending her state’s mask order for another month. On Wednesday, President Biden Ivey’s fellow Republican governors, Greg Abbott of Texas and Tate Reeves of Mississippi, slammed for completing mask requirements and fully reopening stores. He urged those in charge to listen to the public health experts, and Ivey said she did and extended the mask order, which was due to expire on Friday. “We have to come after Easter and hopefully allow more Alabamians to get their first shot before we take a step some other states have taken to remove mask order altogether and lift other restrictions,” Ivey said. “Guys, we’re not there yet, but my goodness knows we’re getting closer.” The mask order now expires on April 9th, and Ivey said afterward that people must be responsible for wearing them without a mandate. Face covers are “one of our greatest tools” to preventing the spread of the coronavirus, Ivey said, and if the order is lifted, she will “continue to wear my mask when I’m around others, urging my fellow citizens to common too.” use sense and do the same. “Public health experts warned too early of the dangers of reopening states before more people are vaccinated and highly communicable variants spread. 4.9 million people live in Alabama. Only 13 percent of the population have received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Don Williamson, director of the Alabama Hospital Association, told The Associated Press that if 1.75 million doses were dispensed by early April, it would be “a great place”. More stories from theweek.comTrump seeks revenge on Alaska’s Senator Murkowski. His advisors believe he won’t get through because the flight is too long. 7 Hilarious Cartoons About Trump’s CPAC Appearance The Republican Complaint Perpetual Motion Machine