Many due to EPPD on your service to seniors: Letters to the Editor

Thank you to EPPD for your service to seniors

I would like to thank the El Paso police for their service and for making seniors feel that we have a special sanctuary in this beautiful city.

I called a friend to check on her. After trying to get in touch with her for a few days, I panicked when she was living alone.

When she didn’t answer the phone, I called the police and asked if they could do a social check on her. I was referred to the non-emergency number. They then referred me to the regional command center. I told them I was worried about my girlfriend, and since I live on the opposite side of town, I had a hard time checking on her.

They had someone available and sent someone to look after her. They called me back within three hours. The sergeant said she fell and was taken to the hospital. She had been on the floor for almost two days. It was only because her neighbors noticed that their trash cans were still outside that they decided to check on her.

I was so grateful to this wonderful cop, Sergeant Jose Restless, who is an asset to the El Paso Police Department and to our city. He was selfless, kind, and considerate.

We are blessed to live in this wonderful city and to have great law enforcement and fire services, as well as carers, nurses and doctors.

Mary Valles

West El Paso

More:Ted Cruz in Cancun? Beto O’Rourke helps seniors with power outages. Twitter responds

Senator Ted Cruz, Texas, deserves better

Senator Ted Cruz urged Texans to stay home because of severe weather. I think it didn’t apply to him or his family. Instead, they flew to Cancun because their house was frozen. But the rest of us Texans stayed and suffered from the bitter cold.

One picture shows him with a very large suitcase at the airport, not a travel bag. He only returned because of the pictures and criticism he received on social media. Why do two parents need to bring their two girls to Cancun? The reason was he was going to stay the weekend, he didn’t care about us. His wife Heidi texted friends and neighbors to join them in Cancun.

On December 2, Cruz criticized Austin Mayor Steve Adler for flying to Cabo while staying home. Who calls the cauldron black Senator now?

Looks like you’ve been caught and, like all politicians, you gave a flimsy apology. Too bad we can’t remember you, we deserve better.

Robert Lopez

West El Paso

For subscribers:The city plans to sell the former Great Wolf Lodge site to the Missouri development company for $ 18.6 million

Get us out of the TIRZ train accident

Can someone please explain to me the public benefit of TIRZ 10, Tommy Gonzales’ plan to give millions of dollars in tax breaks to 4000 acres of the fastest growing, most expensive real estate in northwest El Paso?

Let me refresh your memory TIRZ 10 was designed as a vehicle to swap 2,300 acres of city-owned land in the northeast to Paul Foster for 20 acres of land he owned so we could get the Great Wolf Lodge. However, when that deal failed, the need for TIRZ 10 and tax breaks should have ended.

Now the city is proposing to sell the 20 acres to a buyer outside of the city in an no-bid sale that appears to be allowed under the TIRZ rules. The new owners will receive 100% tax relief for 30 years. Are you kidding me? And what do we get? Zero.

But wait, there’s more. Paul Foster’s 2300 acres is also in a TIRZ! It receives a 75% discount for 50 years, valued at $ 500 million. Yes, to a billionaire and his partner out of town to build luxury real estate in the northeast. Guys, you can’t make that up. Don’t look for tax breaks for these schemes in our lives, or even your children’s lives.

Call the mayor, city administrator, and your city representative. TIRZ 10 and 13 must be ended or the participation rate lowered to less than 1%, and the land must be sold in a transparent public auction. That is the right, ethical, and fair thing. What a great way for our new mayor and council to get us out of this train wreck.

Tom Kiraly

West El Paso

For subscribers:El Paso’s WestStar Tower among 7 projects receiving new downtown improvement grants

Vaccine vacuum frustrating

Those of us who were canceled for our second Moderna shot would appreciate information on the status of shipments, etc. The info vacuum is very frustrating.

Richard Patterson

East El Paso