NH brewers applaud Hassan’s efforts to completely lengthen the tax break for craft breweries

Aaron and Jenni share the brew.

NEW HAMPSHIRE – New Hampshire breweries hailed the bipartisan effort U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan helped to extend the cut in excise taxes for craft breweries as part of the state funding and COVID-19 aid package. Senator Hassan worked successfully to temporarily extend these tax cuts under the government’s bipartisan funding law in 2019 and to extend this tax break permanently at the end of 2020.

“New Hampshire’s craft breweries are an important part of our state’s economy and provide a vibrant place for locals and tourists to gather and socialize,” said Senator Hassan. “I was happy to lead efforts to permanently expand this important tax break so that our craft breweries can continue to serve their customers, provide good jobs for members of their community, and expand their business. I will continue to work with members of both parties to support our craft brewers and local businesses across the state. “

“In the past few years, the New Hampshire Craft Brewery has grown tremendously, adding hundreds of jobs to the state economy,” said CJ Haines, executive director of the New Hampshire Brewers Association. “Like other small businesses across the country, many breweries, brewpubs and taprooms in New Hampshire have been hit hard by the pandemic. With the final passing of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, small breweries can continue to invest in their employees, the local communities and the growth of their businesses. The New Hampshire Brewers Association and our brewery members would like to express our thanks to our Legislative Champions in the Senate and House of Representatives – Sens. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Representatives Chris Pappas – and Annie Kuster (D-NH) for her support of the CBMTRA and her unwavering support for this mandatory legislation. Thank you all for realizing that the microbrewing industry is an integral part of the NH economy and the American manufacturing industry. We firmly believe that your work for this relief will help restore the vitality of our industry, better position our breweries to increase their production, and ensure the much-needed stability of our tax liabilities during these uncertain posts. “

“As the second brewery to open in New Hampshire in 1994, we saw many challenges – but the pandemic changed everything. The bipartisan tax break that Senator Hassan fought for has given us additional resources to help our brewery, and the news that it is now permanent could not have come at a better time. This will help our brewery and breweries continue to grow across the state and I am very excited about the added stability we have now that we know the tax cut is permanent, ”said Peter Telge of Stark Brewing Company in Manchester.

“Craft breweries play an important role in the community, bringing people together and fueling our local economy. The craft beverage tax cut that Senator Hassan worked on helped us maintain and grow our business, ”said Jenni and Aaron Share of To Share Brewing Company in Manchester. “Right now, given the financial burden the pandemic has placed on breweries, we would like to thank Senator Hassan for her efforts to expand this important tax break. We are thrilled that we can now rely on it every year. “

“As we work to stay afloat in the pandemic, it’s good news that Senator Hassan has worked with both Republicans and Democrats to bring about this tax cut, not just this year but also in the years to come, “said Kirsten Neves and Nik Stanciu of Tuckerman Brewing Company in Conway. “With our brewery we have created something special – not only good beer, but also a meeting place with local musicians and friends and neighbors who come together. We can’t wait to be fully operational again, and we know this tax break will help us grow and prosper once we get out of this pandemic. ”

“The permanent extension of the reduced federal excise tax on beer could not have come at a better time. With tourism and visitor numbers declining, this tax break will help us fight another day and continue to provide key benefits such as health care to our employees, ”said Nicole Carrier, co-founder and president of Throwback Brewery in North Hampton.