Saline County Jail Reserving Exercise – Sunday

The following are the most recent Saline County Jail booking activity as provided by law enforcement agencies. All suspects are presumed innocent until found guilty in court. Courtesy photos of Saline County Prison, if any.

Name: Shupe, Kala Marie

Fees: Hand out marijuana; 25 – <450 grams

Operate an MV without a valid license

External warrant / NCIC hit

Poss of stolen property, worth $ 1,500 to $ 25,000

Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or ingredients

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Armstrong, Tiffani Rachel

Charges: Criminal Deprivation of Support; Motor vehicle

Poss of marijuana

Possibly opiate, narcotic, or a specific stimulant

Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or ingredients

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Jenkins, Victoria Erin

Fees: Hand out marijuana; 25 – <450 grams

Poss of stolen property, worth $ 1,500 to $ 25,000

Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or ingredients

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Juarez, Olga Lidia

Charge: Criminal Property Damage; Unknown value

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Morales, Anthony Luis

Charge: Criminal Property Damage; Unknown value

Household battery: impolite physical contact

External warrant / NCIC hit

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Name: Perri, Jamieson Luke

Fees: Poss of marijuana

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Vass, Travis Robert

Fees: Breach of Probation

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Name: Garcia, Elizabeth Anne

Fees: household battery: rude physical contact

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Name: Clancy, Francis Joseph

Fees: Crim Carry of the Gun; Cudgel / club / ankle

Poss of marijuana

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Bond, Casandra Andrea

Fees: Poss of marijuana

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: Burrell, Norrell Roger

Fees: Poss of marijuana

Use / possibly drug paraphernalia / human body

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Name: West, Eric Scot

Fees: Breach of Probation