AUSTIN — As a special legislative session that has garnered national attention huffs to a finish, Republicans appear likely to pass most of the items on Gov. Greg Abbott’s agenda ― many by nearly straight party-line votes, analysts and members of both parties agree.
An “election integrity” bill discussed at the highest levels in the nation’s capital all summer, a package narrowing judges’ bail-granting ability, a big cash infusion for Abbott’s plans to detain undocumented immigrants crossing the border and bills restricting social-media companies and abortion-inducing medications are moving.
Now that House Democrats have ended their quorum break, with most back at their desks in Austin, those five GOP-backed measures and probably several others Abbott has dubbed as priorities are expected to win final House approval, the experts agreed.
Earlier this month, the Senate passed most of Abbott’s 17 items. Led by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, senators avoided a quorum break over the voting bill.
Sunday night is the deadline for ending the summer’s second overtime session. A third special session looms later on redistricting.
“There’s a good chance a majority of those 17 items are going to pass,” said Renée Cross, senior director at the University of Houston’s Hobby School of Public Affairs.
“Lieutenant Governor Patrick, as well as the governor, are just so angry about the Democrats walking out multiple times,” she said, referring to Democratic tactics that blocked a House debate of the election bill for 88 days. “They’re going to go for it.”
Democrats still hope to prevent passage of a few of Abbott’s agenda items, such as yet another proposed law on “critical race theory,” restrictions on the sports teams that transgender students can play on and a ban on school mask requirements, even as the delta variant of coronavirus spreads.
So far, House Public Education Committee Chairman Harold Dutton of Houston hasn’t permitted the critical race theory and transgender youth bills to be voted on. Along with Brownsville Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., Dutton is that rare Democratic lawmaker with at least a bit of clout in the summer’s proceedings.
On Monday, Dutton’s panel will take public testimony on two conflicting bills on whether to bar school districts from requiring masks. But the betting is that neither will move.
Rep. Erin Zwiener, D-Driftwood, acknowledged Democrats have little leverage.
According to House rules, in the final five days of a special session, “all speeches shall be limited to 10 minutes and shall not be extended.”
“I don’t see how we have space to effectively chub,” she said, referring to talkathons Democrats have launched in recent regular sessions to stall or even kill dreaded “red meat” bills aimed at the GOP’s most fervent loyalists and activists.
“We can fight,” she said. “We’re all looking for points of order on every bad bill. We’re negotiating every way we can.”
On the Republican side, preparations are under way to declare the 2021 regular and special sessions a major victory, said GOP campaign consultant Jordan Berry. State Republicans feel emboldened, not only by their successes in state elections last fall, but by what they see as President Joe Biden’s flubs on the border and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, he said.
“Everyone,” Berry said, referring to Abbott, Patrick and Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, “seems to just be on the same page across the board about getting some long-overdue reforms done.”
In the regular session that ended May 31, lawmakers passed and Abbott eventually signed a “constitutional carry” bill that allows most residents to carry a handgun without a permit and a “heartbeat bill” that bans abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy and lets private citizens sue abortion providers or others who knowingly “aid or abet” an abortion in violation of the ban.
Two forces are driving the rightward tilt in Austin — Patrick, who “has exercised pretty much absolute control over the Texas Senate,” and GOP “base” voters loyal to former President Donald Trump, said Rice University political scientist Mark Jones.
Abbott’s conservative evolution
Abbott, who faces staunch conservatives Don Huffines and Allen West in next year’s Republican primary, is another big contributor, Jones said. The two-term incumbent not only wants to avoid a runoff, he’d like to win handily, with say, 70% of primary votes cast, he said.
“Abbott has made the calculated decision that the election he needs to care the most about right now is the spring GOP gubernatorial primary,” Jones said. “Not that he was ever going to lose that race, but a poor showing in that contest would weaken his overall authority within the Texas Republican Party as well as nationally.”
In addition to being pulled to the “extreme right” by Patrick, many GOP senators and members of the State Republican Executive Committee, Abbott also no longer has the luxury of choosing all of his high-profile fights, said former state Sen. Bob Deuell, R-Greenville.
“When he was attorney general, he didn’t have to make controversial decisions,” Deuell said of Abbott. “As he said, ‘I get up every morning, I go to work, I sue the Obama administration and I go home.’ He didn’t really have to stick his neck out there. Now, with COVID and this other stuff, he’s had to really kind of expose himself.”
Gov. Greg Abbott, who is up for re-election next year, tweeted this photo of himself at a Collin County Republican group on Aug. 17, shortly before he tested positive for COVID-19. “Let’s keep this energy up and send a message that Texas values are NOT up for grabs in 2022,” he wrote in the tweet.(Governor Greg Abbott Twitter)
Tactically, Abbott’s had the upper hand in the summer-long election bill battle, said Jones, the Rice professor.
By threatening to call special session after special session until the election bill and unspecified “other important items” are passed, Abbott left Democrats only unpalatable choices, such as being away from home indefinitely and subject to public censure for abandoning their posts, he said.
Still, the governor also revealed he’s fixated on the short term, and anxious that his COVID-19 shutdowns and statewide mask mandate last year alienated many conservatives, Jones said.
“Abbott clearly felt pressure from Huffines and West, and came to the conclusion that he needed to prioritize what the base wanted and, if not ignore, at least discount, what the general population wanted,” he said. “We saw that … in his legislative strategy, but also his strategy related to mask mandates at the local level, and any vaccine-type mandates.”
Patrick, who has supported Abbott’s management of the pandemic, has vociferously applauded the governor’s agenda for both special sessions this summer. In a bit of hyperbole, earlier this month, Patrick claimed “all the bills on this special session call” were approved by senators in the spring, “but did not pass the House.” (Actually, some Abbott items, such as legislative input on how to spend Biden stimulus money and foster care provider retention payments and “capacity enhancement” grants, weren’t considered in the regular session.)
Still, Patrick’s flexed his seniority, “prowess with the media and just oversized personality” — things that, together with his advantage of being elected statewide, Phelan just can’t compete with, UH’s Cross said.
Disorder in the House
For weeks, Phelan has fended off intraparty criticism that he wasn’t having the House sergeant-at-arms and state police arrest absent Democrats, even as many strident Democrats accuse him of failing to protect the chamber’s negotiated compromises on the elections bill and other matters last May.
House Speaker Dade Phelan posed with fellow Republicans for a panorama in July, on the second day of failing to get a quorum at the summer’s first special session. As Democrats’ quorum break stretched into a second special session this month, some Republicans criticized Phelan for not ordering arrests of the absent Democratic members.(Bob Daemmrich / Bob Daemmrich )
“Essentially we don’t have a calming presence there that we had before, with Joe Straus,” Cross said, referring to the five-term centrist Republican speaker from San Antonio. Four years ago, Straus thwarted Patrick’s demand for bills restricting transgender Texans’ use of bathrooms and locker rooms and for tighter caps on local property tax revenue growth, she noted.
“You remember the [August 2017] special session that included the bathroom bill?” she said. “Well, it went nowhere, right? And that was really because of Joe Straus. Speaker Phelan is just too new to have that kind of power, particularly when dealing with a Dan Patrick or Greg Abbott.”
Conservative Republican strategist Brendan Steinhauser, though, welcomed the more unified “Big 3” at the Capitol.
“It really is different with Speaker Phelan. You have an agenda of the House that’s very complementary to the Senate — leading on some issues, sometimes following the Senate,” he said.
Though in the regular session, Phelan tapped Deer Park Republican Briscoe Cain to head the Elections Committee, a choice that many criticized, “It was a good bone for the Freedom Caucus-type guys,” Steinhauser said. “Conservatives in the House feel like they have a voice and they have positions of leadership.” (This summer, Phelan bypassed Cain, creating a new panel for the election and bail bills.)
House Democrats, meanwhile, have signaled they may stretch out debates for as long as they can this week, to try to kill GOP-backed bills.
In his rookie session as speaker, Phelan faces a delicate task, Rice’s Jones said.
He may look the other way as Dutton bottles up the transgender youth sports bill and the anti-critical race theory bill, which among other things would remove a required list of historical documents focused on women, people of color and the struggle for racial and gender equality. House Democrats negotiated the list’s inclusion in a bill Abbott signed in June, Jones noted.
“Phelan has to still maintain a balance between what the conservative wing of the Republican Party wants and what the centrist conservative wing wants, and he partially cares what Democrats think,” Jones explained. “He doesn’t want to alienate [Democrats] completely and realizes that [the House] already passed one anti-CRT bill. This one would effectively gut all the things that the Democrats were able to put into the current” law.
Luke Macias, a consultant who advises some of the House’s most conservative members, said they’re disappointed the speaker won’t back rules changes that would let breakaway members be stripped of coveted committee positions for unexcused absences.
“Phelan’s made it very clear that he wants to keep the status quo in place,” he said. “And he wants all these Democrat chairs who abandoned Texas to keep their chair positions.”
Phelan spokesmen, asked to respond to Macias’ comment, did not.
Two forces are driving the rightward tilt in Austin – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who “has exercised pretty much absolute control over the Texas Senate,” and GOP “base” voters loyal to former President Donald Trump, said Rice University political scientist Mark Jones. In May file photo, Patrick presides over the Senate. It has been more enthusiastic about Gov. Greg Abbott’s special-session agenda than the House. (Bob Daemmrich / Bob Daemmrich/CapitolPressPhoto)
In this week’s final rush, some noncontroversial items also are expected to pass, including a one-time supplemental payment for retired teachers, modest amounts of property tax relief and restoration of the Legislature’s budget.
Abbott vetoed the legislative branch’s money after House Democrats orchestrated a walkout from the chamber in late May that scuttled the election and bail measures. It’s being restored in a catch-all supplemental spending bill.
If Democrats and the clock combine to kill the transgender youth, anti-CRT and anti-school mask mandate bills — and possibly, another that would bar local ordinances that try to exceed state and federal requirements of private employers — Abbott can bring them back in an October special session on redistricting, Jones said.
However, “He would know full well that not everything he puts on this next special session agenda will get passed, with redistricting probably consuming most of the session,” the professor said.