We make it simple, you make it BEAUTIFUL; The giving tree; Lifeless Tree, Lifeless Thought & Extra: Rye Metropolis Council agenda for Wednesday 6 January 2021

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council’s agenda for its session on Wednesday January 6, 2021 has expired.

The Council will have the Council meeting practically at 6:30 p.m. The Council will meet at 5.15pm on the ZOOM CONFERENCE and is expected to adjourn to an executive conference call to discuss lawyer and client privileged matters, human resources and / or labor negotiations.

Pursuant to Executive Decree No. 202.1 of GOVERNOR CUOMO, requirements under the Open Sessions Act have been overridden and public bodies can meet without the public being physically present. The town hall remains closed for the health and safety of everyone. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCES WITHOUT A PERSONAL LOCATION AND SHOWED ON THE CITY WEBSITE. A full broadcast of the session will be made available at a future date.

Residents of the city of Rye can attend the public session using the zoom link below. A resident wishing to speak on a topic should raise their hand and, if allowed to speak, provide their name and home address, and comment on no more than three minutes.

Click the following link to attend the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/99389990604?pwd=dGRHRldoOFhtcHVlS1ZndisxWncvQT09

Or by phone at (646) 558-8656 or (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799
Webinar ID: 993 8999 0604
Password: 815298

The meeting will also be broadcast on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. See you on the internet (live and archived).

The official office hours of the mayor and other officials have been suspended.

Let’s review the beat order and highlights from the 18 agenda items.

  • We make it easy, you make it BEAUTIFUL. Continue a public hearing to consider a petition from Midland Rye LLC (owner of the former Avon building) to change the Rye City zoning code to interchange the approved uses list in the B-5 zoning district, Interchange Office Building ”. All public hearing comments should be emailed to publichearingcomments@ryeny.gov on Midland Rye LLC on the subject of Midland Rye LLC by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing and taking into account the SEQRA determination of relevance related to a petition from Midland Rye the Rye City Zoning Code to add to the list of permitted uses in Zoning District B-5 “Interchange Office Building”.
  • Open microphone. Residents can be heard on issues of the council that are not on the agenda.
  • Less taxes. Resolution to adopt provisions of Executive Order 202.83 suspending the requirements of extension requests as a prerequisite for granting exemptions under Sections 459-C and 467 of the Real Estate Tax Act.
  • Slack feeling. Decision to amend the boat basin fees and charges adopted in 2021 in order to increase the various rates for summer 2021.

  • Fingers crossed! Examination of an application from the Rye Little League for approval of a parade to kick off the opening day of the 63rd season of the Little League on Saturday, April 10, 2021, from 12:00 p.m.

  • The giving tree. Decision to determine the excess of fire ladder 26.

  • Droop-a-long. Appointment of the deputy mayor by the mayor in 2021.

  • Pay off. Appointment of the city council’s examination board by the mayor.

  • Not romantic. Designation of the city council connections by the mayor.

  • Dead tree, dead idea. Name of the official city newspaper.

  • Stay true my friends. Description of the amounts of loyal performance commitments:
    A. City Comptroller $ 1,000,000
    B. City Clerk $ 500,000
    C. City Marshall $ 100,000

  • Retirement. Postpone the public hearing through January 20, 2021 to consider a petition by the Miriam Osborn Memorial Home to amend the City of Rye Zoning Code Association text to create new standards of use and development for “senior housing facilities” in R-2 zoning District. All public hearing comments should be emailed to publichearingcomments@ryeny.gov with the subject “Osborn Zoning Change” by 3:00 pm on the day of the hearing.

  • Patronage. Appointment of bodies and commissions by the mayor with the consent of the council.

The next ordinary meeting of the city council will take place on Wednesday, January 20, 2020 at 6.30 p.m.